
In October 2021, Liberal Democrat group leader, Rod Hopkins, succeeded in winning Droitwich Council approval for the Council to join the County run Peep Project designed to increase carbon reduction initiatives in Council properties using grants of up to 40% from funds available from the EU until October 2022. The Town Council provided the Agent appointed by the County with data before the year end, but the promised report was only received in mid-2022 and it was very poor ignoring solar panels completely and using Incorrect energy prices. The Town Council complained, and the Agent was replaced, and the Report reissued in late September, but again, while it was a greatly improved the pricing was again incorrect and the deadline for applying for grants was considered unachievable. However, the deadline for receiving grants was extended to May 2023 but only the quotation for Led Lights in Council buildings and the quotation to replace the 40-year-old boiler could meet the deadline for the grants as the projects need to be completed and paid for by that date. Unfortunately, the Solar project could not meet it. The Initiative, therefore, is incomplete, and although the one quotation received to date indicates that solar panels would produce positive benefits over the 25 years and beyond, the majority group in the Council decided to wait in the hope that the Government would provide another scheme in the future so residents will have to wait to enjoy the forecast cost savings at some unspecified date despite residents having trouble paying energy bills. However, if re- elected in Droitwich West, Rod has promised to press the Council to implement the Solar Project which he inspired, the installation cost of which, would not impact the Council’s precept (rates).